Friday, February 1, 2013

AMD tries to highlight their products with staged release of info

This is kind of old news by now but I thought I'd bring it up anyway since there is quite a bit of AMD vs Intel going on lately.
The Tech Report published an email they got from an AMD employee a few months ago. The email is regarding their A8 and A10 "APUs", which are CPUs and GPUs on the same chip. Basically, what AMD told The Tech Report was this, "post GPU benchmarks before the product is released. This will highlight the strength of the GPU we are using in our product. However, you are not allowed to post CPU benchmarks for a month or so".

The Tech Report says that the first article always creates the most buzz, so if they are only allowed to post benchmarks where the A8 and A10 perform well in, then the overall opinion of those products would be higher than if they posted everything (including the benchmarks where they aren't that good in) at the same time.

I highly recommend you guys read both of these articles:
Original article on The Tech Report
AMD's response on The Tech Report

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My thoughts on Tek Syndicate's new FX-3850 video

(.gif just for comedic relief. I am not trying to imply anything)

Tek Syndicate made a new video (link here) where they addressed a lot of the issues with the first one, but it's still far from perfect if you ask me. So, here are my issues with their new video.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Boy killed by power supply

I saw this video called "Teen electrocuted while working on unplugged computer" and though I'd clean up some misinformation it is spreading.

First of all let's look at what the kid the story is about did. He opened up the power supply (like in my image) and touched the capacitors (the big black cylinders). The capacitors are basically big batteries, and will hold a charge even if the PSU is unplugged. They hold a quite big charge as well, so it can actually kill you. This is why power supplies has the warning labels on them telling you to NOT open them. I do not recommend you to open it even if you're just going to clean the fan. Just blow some compressed air into it or something.

So that's what he did wrong, and sadly that mistake ended up killing him. So what are the reporters in the video doing wrong? They are interviewing a computer repair guy, who will obviously tell you to go to his store instead. You won't get killed by simply messing with a computer. The only thing which can kill you is if you open the PSU and touch the capacitors. The rest is harmless. And I would not recommend buying a 20 dollar power supply like the man in the video said. You should always get a good, solid PSU, because if you get a bad PSU and it breaks, then it might kill all your other components as well.

Oh I just thought of another dangerous computer component (that barely anyone uses). A Delta fan might actually be able to cut off the tip of your finger. Those fans are crazy.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My thoughts on Tek Syndicate's FX 8350 results

You guys have probably seen this man already, right? It is logan from Tek Syndicate (Razethew0rld on YouTube).
If you haven't then don't worry. All you need to know is that he makes YouTube videos about technology stuff, and owns a website.

Now, he has gotten quite a lot of popularity recently, especially his video where he talks about how Apple hasn't really invented anything (very good video, go watch it here).
Anyway, I was going to write a post about him sooner or later but it seems like I have to do it now, thanks to his latest video "AMD FX 8350 vs Intel 3570K vs 3770K vs 3820 - Gaming and XSplit Streaming Benchmarks". This video is spreading so much misinformation and I am really doubting Logan's credibility after it.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mother gives her son an iPhone, and set 18 rules

So this is apparently news worthy these days and I've seen it on a ton of websites.
A mom gave her 13 old son an iPhone as a Christmas present and he had to agree to a contract with 18 bullet points.
Here is a link to a "news" article on abc NEWS.
Here is the list of rules he has to obey and what I think of them.