Friday, September 7, 2012

About the Windows 7 guide

So I just got an email regarding my very popular post "How to pirate Windows 7 the correct way" and Google has decided to take it down.
I still got the guide saved, but I am a bit too busy right now to do anything (school just started and all that). I might be able to get it up again later since I do not believe I am doing anything wrong. I am not hosting anything illegal, not breaking any copyrights etc. Just linking to sites where you can download things which might be used for illegal things, which Google does all the time themselves. I will look into it when I can.


  1. The cached version is still available.


  2. Ok I need help. I followed your instructions and it worked well for months however now Windows is asking for a product key. Im stil able to use it but instead of my usual wallpaper it instead says "This copy of windows is not genuine". I can live without a wallpaper but what will the repercussions of this be? and is there any solutions to this?

  3. Oh wait NVM. Loader did it.

  4. Do you think you'll write something like this for Windows 8?

    1. If someone manages to come up with a good way to activate Windows then maybe. I most likely won't post it on here though, since it will just be taken down again.
      I haven't even been able to see the takedown request from the 7 guide yet.
