Monday, June 18, 2012

Response to's "Top Ten Reasons Macs Are Better Than PCs"

This article was posted on /g/ and I thought I'd respond to it. Be warned though, it contains copious amounts of bias and stupidity.
Here is the link: The Top Ten Reasons Macs Are Better Than PCs

Here is my response:

>1) Macs are cheaper in the long run.
Well that kind of depends on how you look at it. I could probably sell my computer in parts (each component separately) and get back most of what I spent on it, just like a Mac user could do. However, I prefer reusing my parts. For example I put my old SSD into my laptop, and my old Phenom II is in my mother's computer now.

>2) Macs are much easier to buy.
That's only an issue if you're tech-illiterate. Having a wide selection of things is good for some people and bad for some people. I'd say it's mostly a good thing though.

>3) In general, when Apple makes assumptions with its software, it gets it right, Microsoft often gets it wrong.
You can change those things... And it's usually correct when I use it. Maybe it's programmed for what I do though, which is write essays/reports and other things like that.

>4) Viruses
Not an issue if you have some common sense. Seriously, you can avoid 99% of all malware by simply not being stupid. I got a VM which I run things like keygens in just in case it might be a virus.

>5) Time Machine.
Windows have software for making backups as well. What OS X has might have a nicer GUI but that's pretty much it.

>6) When something goes wrong...
Strange, because Apple often points fingers at everyone else when a problem with their products arise.
>Baww it's Oracle and Java's fault!
>Baww other laptops overheat as well!
>Baww other phones lose reception if you hold them a certain way!

Also, when something goes wrong on Windows you can just Google the error code. OS X doesn't even give you an error code if it crashes. It just says "please restart your computer". Also, when something breaks in my computer, I'll just troubleshoot it and repair what's broken. If my PSU were to break, then I would just send that component back, because it has a 5 year warranty (without extended warranty).

>7) Apple makes it simple, Microsoft makes it complicated.
The different versions serve different purposes, and it's not always been this way. Microsoft have only had lots of different versions of Windows since Vista. They only had 2 or 3 versions of XP, and will only have 2 versions of 8.

>8) Microsoft is for geeks, Apple is for people who just want to get things done.
What? I'm sorry, but what? I have no idea what he is talking about. I assume it has something to do with him adding filters in Photoshop and counting that as "getting things done".

>9) Let's face it, Apple understands style.
Ahh SO Macs are better because they are "hip"? Fuck that guy... There are lots of nice looking computers. Also, I wouldn't say Macs are good looking. "Plain" would be a better description. Reminds me of a hospital.

Oh wait, there is no tenth reason because it seems like being able to count is not "hip" anymore.

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