Ivy Bridge were suppose to launch sometime in March/April according to some roadmaps from Intel. However, the transition to the new 22nm tri-gates transistors hasn't gone according to plans and a spokesperson from Intel said "I think maybe it’s June now" when asked about the Ivy Bridge release date.
Full article can be found on Financial Times' website.
Speaking of Intel, they announced that they will have mobile Atom chips built upon 13nm transistors by 2014, and 8nm in 2015 (which might require them to change from silicon to some other material) Hopefully these deadlines will be met.
>which might require them to change from silicon to some other material
ReplyDeletedo you know if graphen is possible?
DeleteI don't know how small you can make graphen transistors, but the theoretical limit for silicon is around 8-11nm.
Some researchers managed to make a single atom transistor not too long ago but I am not sure which material they used.